3 min readNov 2, 2023


Captured by Motaz Azaiza

It’s disturbing and unsettling to even hear words like war and genocide in our daily life, wars have been a recurring theme in our world’s history. They tend to emerge for various reasons, and sometimes, they appear never-ending. Physical wars may eventually cease, but the digital battles persist.


Wars are never one way , war is a two way action, if you google the term war it will be clear that war can never be one sided.

A conflict carried on by force of arms, as between nations or between parties within a nation; warfare, as by land, sea, or air. {google}

Since we are clear with the term war let me introduce you to the term we have been hearing recently and frequently especially due to this Israel-Gaza conflict and the term is


According to the Convention, genocide is a crime that can take place both in time of war as well as in time of peace. The definition contained in Article II of the Convention describes genocide as a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, in whole or in part.

Captured by Motaz Azaiza


Israel-Palestine conflict has a long history, stemming back to the migration of Jews from Europe to Palestine, which ultimately led to the formation of Israel on what was previously someone else’s land.

They’ve been in a state of crisis for an extended period. While there have been intermittent conflicts, the recent escalation occurred due to the attack of Hamas , although it’s just a reason Israel always wanted to demolish Palestine and occupy its land.


If Israel was responding to the attack done by Hamas and if it was a war!

Did they establish any rules of the war?

Did the Israelis adhere to the rules of war?

Did they exclusively engage with Hamas?

Their cruelty still continues !!

Are they fighting only for a piece of land?

Unfortunately, No!

Killing thousands of innocent children, young people and adults who don’t even know the meaning of war ?

Killing thousands of innocent lives and dreams?

Killing those who aren’t even born ?


Bombing without prior warnings !

Furthermore, they’ve been misleading people by sending pamphlets to certain areas for refuge, only to later bomb those very areas they promised to spare.


Is this not target killing ?

Is this not ethnic cleansing ?

Is this not for decreasing the population?

Is this not the worst way to do that?

Is this not a reprehensible way of achieving their objectives?

Isn’t it deliberate killing of people? Which defines genocide?

Captured by Motaz Azaiza

Whatever might have transpired between Hamas and Israel could have been classified as a war. If Hamas initiated the attack for any reason, whether to protect their own people or harm Israelis, a retaliatory response against Hamas could be justified.


  • Attacking people with no connection to Hamas, people in a country without a central government, lacking basic resources and military forces, and turning their lives into ashes is deeply troubling.
  • Instead of engaging in such actions, they could have declared war, allowed the country to establish its military forces, and sought assistance from other nations if they lacked resources.
  • Even if their issue was with Hamas, they could have focused on dismantling the organization without harming the entire country.
  • the deliberate obliteration of refugee camps collectively constitutes a grave concern — which describes genocide.

It’s crucial to recognize that this has led to widespread suffering and loss of innocent lives.

Captured by Motaz Azaiza

