4 min readOct 28, 2023


Photo by Mohammed Ibrahim on Unsplash

It’s been many days, people are losing their lives, while buildings and entire communities are being destroyed. Human life hangs by a thread, with the loss of lives, materials, and resources, to the point where it feels like the loss of an entire nation.

Despite the clear and distressing coverage of these events on the internet and through the media, no solid actions have been taken to address this escalating crisis.

For an average person who doesn’t want to get caught up in the arguments about who supports whom, someone who strives to maintain a neutral stance and seeks a balanced understanding of the situation, the complexity of the conflict can be confusing.

On one side, you witness a country with no formal armed forces and a central government that is being oppressed by another nation with a well-equipped military.

In this asymmetrical struggle, one country’s people are facing the horrors of airstrikes and carpet bombings, while on the other side, people seem to be going about their lives as usual, enjoying leisure, partying, and posting lighthearted content.

It creates a stark contrast, leaving those in the conflict zone in constant anticipation of death, with no other options.

The situation worsens with each passing day, and we, in our respective homelands, watch the news and read articles, trying to make sense of the crisis.

During this process, you might have come across certain terms that initially might have left you confused.

Let me help clarify some of these terms, including:

  • ISRAEL: what everyone knows is that Israel is a nation created in 1948 in the region of Palestine. But if you go back to history Jews in Europe wanted their separate homeland under the rule of ottoman and later British , they started fighting for the land which was already populated with majority of Arabs and Muslims .UN decided to divide the land into two which resulted in war because jews invaded their private land and the situation between them never got sort and today’s conflict is a clear result .
  • Zionism: Zionism is a nationalist movement that emerged in the 19th century to enable the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine, a region roughly corresponding to the Land of Israel in Jewish tradition.
  • GAZA: A region in the eastern Mediterranean, currently at the heart of the conflict.Gaza is a small, densely populated area mainly inhabited by Palestinians, and it’s largely surrounded by Israeli army. Israel used to have a military presence in Gaza but withdrew in 2005. Gaza is currently under an Israeli blockade.Gaza was controlled by Egypt until 1967 when Israel occupied it during the Six-Day War. Until 2005, Israel controlled Gaza, similar to the West Bank, and allowed Jewish settlers to live there. However, in 2005, then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon unilaterally removed Israeli troops and settlers from Gaza. Since then, Israel has been under an Israeli blockade with 2.2 million people in the largest open air prison.
  • HAMAS: Hamas, an Islamist group, governs Gaza. It was founded in 1987 as a political organization and later won political power in a 2006 election. Hamas’s control of Gaza led to an Israeli blockade to prevent the flow of goods that could be used for weapons.Palestinians consider Hamas a resistance group which has been fighting for the freedom of country .
  • PALESTINE: The broader region that includes Gaza and the West Bank, with a history of political and territorial disputes.Palestine was then a completely arabs and muslims populated area but after the invasion of jews and israelis in palestine it is no more a free country not even a country to live and survive.
  • NAKBA: In 1948, a war forced 700,000 Palestinians from their homes, leading to a long-standing refugee crisis known as the Nakba, which means “catastrophe” in Arabic. This remains a major challenge in peace talks.Palestinians and Israelis have different views on the cause of this crisis. Palestinians often believe it was a deliberate Jewish effort to remove Arabs from Palestine, while Israelis attribute it to Arab flight, the involvement of Arab armies, and wartime accidents.
  • BALFOUR DECLARATION: A 1917 statement by the British government that expressed support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine.
  • JERUSALEM: A city central to the conflict, claimed as a capital by both Israel and Palestine. This city is close to both of the countries and both the countries want this city to be in their territory, muslims consider this city a sacred one because of many religious events and places . Masjid e Aqsa being the top of reasons.

Understanding this multifaceted issue is essential for anyone seeking to make sense of the Israel-Gaza crisis. It is a conflict marked by historical grievances, political complexity, and a heavy human toll. By unraveling these terms and their context, we can take a step toward a more informed and empathetic perspective on this enduring crisis.

Do not just learn the terms being used around the internet related to this Israel-Gaza situation but feel and do whatever you can do to save them, as an individual you can pray , donate and share the word ,do whatever can be done !

